Wednesday 20 October 2010

Conventions on my Magazine Cover and Content's page UPDATED!

22/10/10: I have now managed to upload my images for the drafts of my contents page, cover page and some logo designs, I apologise for the quality of my scanned drafts.

From the information I have gathered from my previous post (Check my last blog), I have been given ideas that I can use for my magazine cover and contents page.

The Cover

From the two magazine's cover I looked at they both seem to use as the main background an image of college students from a photo or edited photo using a photo editing software (Photoshop, Fireworks etc), I will follow the same idea and take a picture of a fellow student in an area of my college.

The photo will be portrait size so it can fill the page, the magazine's title will be at the top of the page.

As for the contents of the cover I will include small picture of wyke related story and will be the main headlines of the magazine, including another creative word art text to tell whats inside the magazine. I am soon going to find out some story's based around Wyke such as the local sports teams, future events or the completion of the Wyke OAK Building and campus area.

NOTE: The barcode will not be included now!

Contents Page

The contents page's I have looked at from the examples I have been researching both obviously give story's of the college and where to find them in there magazine, this is what normally people to expect in a contents page but I have noticed the use of a creative border and text that is brigth and appealing onto the contents page.

I am going to use a similar colourful border that surrounds my contents page, and inside will be a simple text to direct the reader to the certain pages, I will alsom use the images from the headlines of the cover page so it will have further information and where to find the page inside the contents page.


Before I updated this post I came up with names for my magazine, I decided to go with "Wyke Weekly". Below are some cencept designs for my magazine logo.

These ideas have helped me alot with coming up with ideas for my future magazine.

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