Monday 22 November 2010

Market Reasearch Part 3: Q Magazine

For my third and final market research I have found Q magazine which specialises in a Indie/Rock genre of music, below is my work.

Front Cover

These are both the front covers of Q magazine, each cover appears on both the front and back of the magazine that is not really seen much today.

L: The language of the magzine uses comes from the hadlines of each individual cover of the magazine, both Muse and U2 are big rock bands and have done many things in the music industry and I geuss that there both very big they both gave them a front cover because there that good. Each front cover has a effect background but the only difference is that th Muse cover has a sort of blue glow while the U2 cover has a red glow. Each cover has different headlines on both sides showing that the magazine has a lot to offer which appeals to Indie/Rock and Pop fans. The U2 cover use white text with a smart font as well as a red box behind them so it is easier to read, uses same font style and colour but they have blue boxes behind them.

I: The magazine has its own publisher and that them self.

I: Each cover both bands have different poses and style of clothing but they both appear in the middle of the page as well as one of the band members infront of the Q magazine logo. Both bands seem to wear clean common clothing which reflects the Indie image. Another different between the bands that si they both have a different clothes look, Muse seem to be wearing smart casual suits, shirts, pants and shoes, while U2 have more of a Rock look wiith there T shirts or long sleave tartered shirts, jeans, letaher jackets and black shows they seem to have more of a rock look. These differences of the front cover between the two bands could be a possible hidden message that they "Have the best of both worlds", one being Indie and the other being Rock.

A: The target audience of this magazine appears to be Indie and a new Rock generation, this is notified because of the bands they use as well as the headlines involving other bands. I would suggest the target age for this magazine would be 16-21 and maybe even possibly a younger age depending on the content of the magazine.

R: Q uses its own unique house style which is clean and straight to the point, none of these artists that are featured on the front covers appear to be tacky or sweaty they appear to be clean and are true stars, the layouts and font are also clean because nothing appears to be dark or in the way of each other (Exceot that each cover has a band member infront of the Q logo, this was on purpose).

Contents page

This is a double page content spread in Q magazine.

L: The language pretty much suggests again that the magazine is a Indie/Rock magazine because of the use of bands they use in there contents page, the main headline's are from both front covers of Q magazine which are Muse and U2, they appear to be the meain headline because there the first image we notice on the left hand side because its big and noticable. the layout of the magaine is pretty smart as usual because everything seems to be in order as well as some images ove rlapping others, this is purposely done. The font and style is similar to the cover, it has the same font bu the colour is now red and the background is white so it is easier to read.

I: The magazine has its own publisher and that them self.

I: The contents band can easily be identified with the Indie Music Genre and each picture is nicely layed out letting the reader to easily read each headline.

A: As I said before it is targeted for the Indie and new age Rock audience and the target audience would be 16-21 and possibly younger.

R: The magazine uses a smart layout threwout each part of the magazine giving it a clean straight to te point look, which is good and will be a crucial selling point for the magazine.

Double Page Spread

This is the double page spread for Q Magazine.

L: The language we can see from this double page layout is that is clean and straight to the point as I stated in my previous research of this magazine, tis very clean and uses its font, colours and layout very well, such as the similar font but black text, white background so it is can be easier to read the interviews and images placed in appropriate places so the layout is very well done. One the first page (Left hand side) it uses a image that was drawn for the magazine which looks very smart and a indie like look.

I: The magazine has its own publisher and that them self.

I: The magazine can be identified as a Indie/Rock magazine by the interview with the band, but the own house style and smart layout works very well for the magazine.

A: As I said before the magazine is aimed for Indie and new age Rock fans and the age group woulkd be 16-21 and possibly younger.

R: The magazine uses its own house style and works rather well, the font, layout, images look great on the double page spread and explains the interview rather well.

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