Monday 15 November 2010

Market Research part 1: Kerrang

For my first market Research I decideed to look at a Kerrang magazine.

Front Cover

This is the front cover of the Kerrang Magazine.

L: Kerrang uses a white background but overlapping it includes a lot of images with text describing the contents of the magazine. They also use big bold lettering to describe whats ibside the magazine as well as there well known logo.

I: The magazine has its own publisher which is Kerrang.

I: The magazine is easily identified as a Rock magazine because of the contents as well as the font style of the text, some of the big bold letters identifty the magazine as well.

A: The target audience is easily identifed as a Rock style magazine so obvously the magazine is targeted to Rock music lovers, the target age I would identift as a 16 and above age group.

R: This magazine will sell because of the contents, it has most the main headlines appeard on the magazine which would get people interested in buying it, as well as text on the top and bottom of the bage with other content inside.

Contents Page

This is the contents page of the Kerrang magazine.

L: The language indicates that it is a Rock magazine because the contents page show the reader that the contents includes content from famous artists, as well as the use of there logo font being used for headlines and sub texts.

I: the publisher is it self.

I: With the use of fonts, colours and pictures it is identifed as a Rock magzine, such as the black backgrounds behind the ehadlines and the logo's font appears to be ruggard and striking, it is suppose to represent Rock.

A: the target audience could easily identify with the contents of this magazine, such as the headline which features "Slash" who is one of the most famous Guitarist's in the world, rock lovers could easily identify this and would be interested in reading it.

R: The magazine has contents on which you would expect from any type of music magazine such as interviews, previews etc. But because of its genre it sticks to news related to the Rock music industry.

Double Page Spread

(I apologise for the scanning quality)

This is the double pahe spread out for Karrang Magzine.

L: The magazine used small white neatly fonted text to descrive to the reader what the contents is abaout, as well as big read bold text that gives the title to the page. They use black and white images in the background which is a sort of rock style and does not interfeer with the white text, and the sue of red coloured text for the titles.

I: The publisher is it self.

I: The colours used in this double page layout really reflects the Rock Music industry, black, white andf red are good striking colours that are not just plain and simple but have the representatuion of strong, bold powerful words which is what Rock is mostly about, "Power to the peopleby there awesome music".

A: The target audience could easily identify the Rock cultire in the magazine with the colours which really is the selling point of this magazine, but the interview with the band is also which is very important and will make or break the magazine, the interviews layout is simply and keeps the text to a side neatly in order and images of the band at the bottom of the page, as well as a cool black and white photo of the band as the poages background.

R: The magazine double page spreadout is really one of a kind, it most probaly is used by other Rock/Metal magazines but this one is special because of the colours which indicate the magazines genre of Rock music.

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